Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


Jewish Studies

Complete Title List (2Q2024)
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New Titles in 2Q 2024


9781805394532 9798988677383 Exile and the Jews

Social History of German Jews:
A Short Introduction

Miriam Rürup
Berghahn Books (JL)
ISBN: 9781805394532
176 pages, May 2024
89.00 GBP


Warsaw Testament
Rokhl Auerbach
Eurospan (JL)
ISBN: 9798988677383
422 pages, May 2024
Paperback / softback
29.00 EUR

Exile and the Jews:
Literature, History, and Identity

Marc Saperstein, Nancy E. Berg
University of Nebraska Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780827615557
300 pages, April 2024
Paperback / softback
29.99 GBP
9781440879371 9781805395300 9780253069894

Country by Country

Eve E. Grimm, Paul R. Bartrop
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781440879371
392 pages, June 2024
75.00 GBP

The Trial of a Nazi Doctor:
Franz Lucas as Defendant,
Opportunist, and Deceiver

Andrew Wisely
Berghahn Books (JL)
ISBN: 9781805395300
364 pages, May 2024
107.00 GBP


History and Memory

Jeremy Black
Indiana University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780253069894
352 pages, June 2024
Paperback / softback
25.99 GBP
9781805395270 9780253069931 9780253069993

Quotas: The “Jewish Question”
and Higher Education in Central Europe,

Judith Szapor, Michael L. Miller
Berghahn Books (JL)
ISBN: 9781805395270
426 pages, May 2024
107.00 GBP


Bruno Schulz and
Galician Jewish Modernity

Karen Underhill
Indiana University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780253069931
294 pages, May 2024
Paperback / softback
36.00 GBP

Homes of the Past:
A Lost Jewish Museum

Jeffrey Shandler
Indiana University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780253069993
170 pages, June 2024
Paperback / softback
27.99 GBP
9780814349854 book: 'Arbeit Macht Frei' 9780253069443

Matrilineal Dissent:
Women Writers and Jewish
American Literary History

Alex Ullman, Jennifer Glaser,
Jessica Kirzane, Josh Lambert,
Karen Skinazi, Rachel Rubinstein,
Tahneer Oksman
Eurospan (JL)
ISBN: 9780814349854
400 pages, April 2024
Paperback / softback
45.00 EUR

'Arbeit Macht Frei':
Representations and Meanings in Art

Batya Brutin
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783111153117
144 pages, April 2024
119.00 EUR

Saul Bellow:
"I Was a Jew and an American
and a Writer"

Gerald Sorin
Indiana University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780253069443
602 pages, April 2024
Paperback / softback
43.00 GBP


The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933?1945, Volume III

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945

Volume I: Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA)

Volume II: Ghettos in German-Occupied Eastern Europe

Vol. III: Camps and Ghettos under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany

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