Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


New Books July 2024


 JULY 2024 TRADE and SCIENCE Highlights

Please find below the links to

a complete list of books published this month and a selection of the most engaging ones:

July 2024 Complete title list (excel)

July 2024 Selected title list (excel)

July 2024 Selected title list (PDF with covers)


9781350335219 9781501521089 9781350460980

Russian Warfare and Influence:
States in the Intersection
Between East and West

Mikael Weissmann, Niklas Nilsson
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781350335219
208 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
19.99 GBP

Managing Brand Transgressions:
8 Principles to Transform
Your Brand

Shailendra Pratap Jain,
Shalini Sarin Jain
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9781501521089
169 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
29.95 EUR


Cultural History
of Sport in Antiquity

Charles H. Stocking,
Paul Christesen
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781350460980
272 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
25.99 GBP
9781501370496 9783111061382 9781350258129

German Crime Dramas from
Network Television to Netflix

Sunka Simon
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781501370496
360 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
28.99 GBP

Modernity and the Construction
of Sacred Space

Aaron French, Katharina Waldner
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783111061382
250 pages, July 2024
69.95 EUR


Modern Hungarian Culture
and the Classics

Péter Hajdu
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781350258129
232 pages, July 2024
85.00 GBP
X-ray cover Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing Through Bibliotherapy 9783035628456

Nicole Lobdell
Bloomsbury Academic (JL)
ISBN: 9781501386701
152 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
9.99 GBP

Improving Mental Health and
Wellbeing Through Bibliotherapy

Antonio Cortijo Ocaña, Veronica Orazi, Vicent Martines Peres
Eurospan (JL)
ISBN: 9798369342442
320 pages, July 2024
276.00 EUR


Architect's Sourcebook:
Dimensions and Files
for Space Design

Stanislas Chaillou
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783035628456
448 pages, July 2024
58.00 EUR

9783111338941 9783110755732 9783111372358

War in Ukraine: Understanding
Western Tools Short of War

Egle Elena Murauskaite
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783111338941
195 pages, July 2024
89.95 EUR

De Gruyter Handbook
of Humor Studies

Giselinde Kuipers, Thomas E. Ford, Władysław Chłopicki
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783110755732
644 pages, July 2024
149.95 EUR


Nikolai Gogol: Ukrainian Writer
in the Empire: A Study in Identity

Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj
De Gruyter (JL)
ISBN: 9783111372358
204 pages, July 2024
99.95 EUR
Cover Transforming Southeast Europe During the Long 19th Century 9781477330739 9780820366722

Transforming Southeast Europe
During the Long 19th Century

Boriana Antonova-Goleva,
Ivelina Masheva
Brill (JL)
ISBN: 9783506760029
432 pages, August 2024
129.00 EUR


Why Sinéad O'Connor Matters
Allyson McCabe
University of Texas Press (JL)
ISBN: 9781477330739
232 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
16.99 GBP

Significant Food: Critical Readings
to Nourish American Literature

Anton Smith et al.
Eurospan (JL)
ISBN: 9780820366722
277 pages, July 2024
113.00 EUR
9781503639447 Diplomacy and Disregard 9781319281168

Conflicted: Making News
from Global War

Isaac Blacksin
Stanford University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9781503639447
330 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
27.99 GBP

Diplomacy and Disregard:
The Hungarian Revolution and
the United Nations 1956–1963

András Nagy
Indiana University Press (JL)
ISBN: 9780253070289
376 pages, July 2024
Paperback / softback
43.00 GBP

Myers' Psychology
for the AP® Course

C. Nathan DeWall, David G. Myers, Elizabeth Yost Hammer
Macmillan Learning UK (JL)
ISBN: 9781319281168
1040 pages, July 2024
77.99 GBP


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