Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


Brill Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Archive series 1651-1917

Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Archive series 1651-1917

Dates (inclusive): 1651-1917 
Dates (bulk): 1850-1917
Languages used: Russian and French, also German and English, Chinese, Latin, Dutch, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish, Italian, Greek, Persian, Korean, Mongolian and Norwegian
ISBN: 978 90 04 19257 7

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Location of Originals: Rossi? ski? gosudarstvenny? voennoistoricheski? arkhiv (RGVIA), Moscow. Fonds 444-451 

The 19th century was a time of rapid Russian expansion in Asia. While its western borders were largely fixed in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars, the Romanov autocracy still found many outlets for its imperial energies in the East. Imperial Russia’s Asian march coincided with a revolution in intelligence. Gathering and analyzing such intelligence also became much more comprehensive, almost encyclopedic. It entailed not only the armed forces and the terrain of all potential adversaries, but also political, economic, ethnographic, and much other data. 
The collection Archive series, 1651-1917 contains the following parts: 
1. A threat from the Far East (China, Japan, Korea) 
2. The Eastern question (Turkey, Palestine, Arabia & Syria) 
3. The Great Game in Central Asia (Persia (Iran), Afghanistan)

For more information, open free trial or to place an order, contact:
Jacek Lewinson
Mobi:+48 502 603 290, skype:jacek.lewinson , Email:

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