Erstausgaben und Werkausgaben von der Frühaufklärung bis zur Spätaufklärung
(18th Century German Literature Online: First Editions and Complete Editions from the Early to Late Enlightenment)
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Aims and Scope
Through 18th Century German Literature Online, first editions and first published complete editions by 642 German-speaking authors of the 18th century are now available online. The 2,675 works with 4,494 volumes reflect the broad spectrum of German literature from the early stages of the age of Enlightenment to the later part of the period.
This online database contains first editions and complete historical editions of leading representatives of the Enlightenment such as Bürger, Gottsched, Herder, Kant, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Moritz, Nicolai, Wieland and many more, the writings of the "Göttinger Hainbund" and works of the Swiss Enlightenment. Most notably however, it also contains the writings of hundreds of authors who were less well-known or are nowadays all but forgotten, but who nevertheless contributed to the literary Enlightenment in Germany with their lyrical, dramatic and epic works.
Each work is presented as digital facsimile and can be browsed through just like a book. Thanks to the sophisticated Gothic type character recognition (OCR), full-text searches can be carried out in all works. Besides the full bibliographic records for each individual work, electronic tables of content are available, allowing the user to directly access chapter headings e.g. a particular poem or act. Further, each work is classified by one or more literary genres allowing a systematic access to all works.
18th Century German Literature Online, is a high quality research database for students, post-graduate researchers, professors and scholars of German studies, Linguistics, and History, which provides new impulse for research work on language, literature, edition history and social history.
Free Trial Access Available For more information, open free trial or to place an order, contact: Jacek Lewinson Mobi:+48 502 603 290, skype:jacek.lewinson ,