Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


DeGruyter Germanische Altertumskunde Online

Germanische Altertumskunde Online

Kulturgeschichte bis ins Frühmittelalter - Archäologie, Geschichte, Philologie

(Old Germanic History Online: European Cultural History until the High Middle Ages)

Ed. by Beck, Heinrich / Brather, Sebastian / Geuenich, Dieter / Heizmann, Wilhelm / Patzold, Steffen / Steuer, Heiko

One-time purchase of base content (RRP), subsequently annual update fee for new content
ISSN 2193-2778
First Year: 2010

  • An authoritative reference work covering all areas of early German history
  • Approx. 15 new and revised articles and 5 volumes are published each year
  • Non-restrictive DRM – allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous users campus / institution-wide

Aims and Scope

Germanische Altertumskunde Online (GAO) provides a unique research platform representing the current state of knowledge of Old Germanic History, which includes Germanic and Northern European cultural history from the subject areas of history, archeology, art history, legal history, ethnology, and religious studies. The database contains the complete data of the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, as well as new and revised articles; furthermore, all volumes of the RGA-E series (the supplementary volumes to the "Reallexikon"; currently more than 90), several journal articles, and single books.

Free Trial Access Available
For more information, open free trial or to place an order, contact:
Jacek Lewinson
Mobi:+48 502 603 290, skype:jacek.lewinson ,

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