Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


DeGruyter JURA Kartei JK online

JURA-Kartei (JK) online

(Law Card File Index Online)

One-time purchase of base content (RRP), subsequently annual update fee for new content

ISSN 2193-302

Discussions of current and exam relevant court decisions
Systematically structured
All index cards since 1979 (approximately 6,000) in full text
Monthly updates
All index cards can be searched at the same time
Unlimited number of simultaneous users
Non-restrictive DRM – allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous users campus / institution-wide

Aims and Scope

The blue law card files are the trademark of the Journal JURA and an essential means of support during legal training and exams. In each issue of JURA, the editors explain and thoroughly work through 12 decisions relevant for exams from the fields of civil law, public law and criminal law. The core statements of the respective decisions are explained and integrated into an overall context. Each file card is systematically structured: the title, theme and presentation of the facts of the case are followed by an introduction to the problem and development of the solution.

The Law Card File Index (JK), which was previously offered on CD-ROM, is now available online for the first time. The database contains over 6,000 cards that have been published in JURA since 1979. The database will be updated monthly and offers users the opportunity to remain ever up-to-date on the most current case law.

Please contact to get information on pricing or to arrange a 30-day FREE TRIAL at your institution.

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