Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


DeGruyter Verfasser-Datenbank


Autoren der deutschsprachigen Literatur und des deutschsprachigen Raums: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
[Database of Authors: Writers of German-Language Literature and the German-Speaking World – From the Beginning to the Present Day ]
One-time purchase of base content, subsequently annual update fee for new content
Language: German
Year: 2012

  • Based on over 20,000 articles, the database provides comprehensive and reliable information about literary authors in the German-speaking world from the Middle Ages to the present
  • Targeted research by names, titles of works, epochs, manuscripts, places of printing, literature references etc.
  • Ongoing content revision of the ’dictionary of authors‘ Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters (Editor: Prof. Dr. Stephan Müller, Vienna)
  • Updated references to all articles at publication and a further 3,500 per year
  • Quarterly updates
  • Linking to the library collections
  • Citability ensured thanks to DOI for each article
  • User Guide available
  • Non-restrictive DRM – allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous users campus / institution-wide

Aims and Scope

The Verfasser-Datenbank (Database of Authors) enables, for the first time, the renowned standard reference works Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters, Deutscher Humanismus 1480–1520, Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1520–1620 and the Killy-Literaturlexikon to be used systematically in electronic form. Over 20,000 lexicon articles on authors of German literature, ranging from the very beginnings to the present, were cross-linked in the database and their content can be accessed in a targeted manner using differentiated search criteria. In ongoing updates, the databases relating to the Middle Ages are revised in terms of content and supplemented by many current literature references which are linked to the library collections. An advisory panel of established experts guarantees the highest academic quality.

For more information, open free trial or to place an order, contact:
Jacek Lewinson
Mobi:+48 502 603 290, skype:jacek.lewinson ,

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