Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


DeGruyter eBook Archive

DeGruyter Book Archive

40,000 titles from 260 years of academic publishing

Friedrich Schleiermacher, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ludwig Tieck, the Brothers Grimm – these are just few of the authors who published with De Gruyter and whose titles can be found in our archive, which comprises 40,000 titles. Now, 260 years later, we are breathing new life into these treasures by making them digitally available again.

With our On-Demand service „e-dition“, 10,000 formerly out-of-print books have already been digitized. The success of this initiative all over the world demonstrates the importance of preserving academic history. Therefore, we have taken the decision to digitize our entire archive back to 1749 and make all titles available as eBooks and as hardcover reprints as they are digitized over the next three years.


Digitization of more than 30,000 books over the next three years.

Titles will be available as eBooks and Hardcover PoDs

Until the end of 2017 a selection of key book series will be digitized (3,000 titles in total).

The e-dition service will end – all titles that are already digitized will remain available as PoD and eBook.

A look into the archive

For more information, or to place an order, contact:
Jacek Lewinson
Mobi:+48 502 603 290, skype:jacek.lewinson ,

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