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Taylor and Francis
Wolters Kluwer Health
Taylor and Francis eBooks General Information is a single destination platform for T&F’s humanities, social science, science, technology, engineering and medicine e-Book content. This platform is designed with our customers in mind. Through a single destination, our patrons will be able to access award-winning content to support their specific needs with the ability to browse the rich-content and authoritative resources available, allowing librarians to build specific collections which best fit their patron needs and institutional budgets. has been built using extensive user feedback to ensure that it fulfils the needs of our customers – from search, to c
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Routledge eBooks relating to Eastern Central Europe Russia the Caucasus and Central Asia
This collection of titles covers the many and varied aspects of this vast geographic region - including history, politics, economics, literature, architecture, law, religion and other features of culture. The majority of titles focus on more recent periods with special emphasis on the Soviet and Post-Soviet eras. For a complete listing of the 890 titles please follow this link: Title List All eBooks reside on the Taylor & Francis platform – home to over 140.000 titles. eBook titles can be purchased individually, as collections, subscribed to or are available via an Evidence Based Acquisition model. Regional and quantity discoun
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Taylor and Francis Evidence Based Acquisition
Taylor & Francis’ new funnel-shaped Evidence-Based Acquisition Model Combines the idea of a subscription to eBook content, plus the selection of eBook content which the customer owns after the end of the subscription period. Video and Tutorials Evidence-Based Acquisition PL How this model works for Taylor & Francis: The library agrees to a fixed fee – the amount can vary according to the amount or type of content the institution would like access to. After paying the fee, the library’s users will get access to all 135.000 eBooks from T&F for three full months. W
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Taylor and Francis Agriculture and Environmental Studies
Taylor & Francis has published over 1100 eBooks in the areas of Agriculture, Environmental Science, Botany, Entomology, Plant and Animal Ecology, Soil Sciences, Ecology, Biodiversity, and several other related subjects. These publications come from leading experts in the fields from throughout the world. For a complete listing of titles in these subjects, please follow this link: T&F Complete Agriculture and Environmental titles list All eBooks reside on the Taylor & Francis platform – home to over 130.000 titles. EBooks can be purchased individually, subscribed to or are available via an Evidence-Based Acquisition model. For more information
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Taylor and Francis Arts eBook section
With over 6.000 eBook in the eclectic area of the Arts, Taylor & Francis/Routledge offers one of the largest collections of titles available - covering Film, Theatre, Music, Fine Art, Photography, Art History, Dance, Music Therapy, Animation, Gaming, Social and Political aspects of the Visual and Performing Arts. The authors come from across the world and the themes reflect a multitude of different cultural traditions. For a complete listing of the titles please follow this link: Taylor & Francis eBooks in the Arts All eBooks reside on the Taylor & Francis platform – home to over 130.000 titles. EBook titles can be purchased individually, subscrib
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Taylor and Francis ChemicalengineeringnetBASE
Taylor and Francis ChemicalengineeringnetBASE The 700 titles in this eclectic collection cover diverse topics such as solar power, biofuels, green chemistry methods, transport phenomena, fuel cells, electrodynamics, polymers, peptides, water, nanotechnology and dozens of other topics. Whether you are converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful forms or spearheading the hunt for valuable new materials or techniques, ChemicalENGINEERINGnetBASE provides the references and resources to fuel this work. It offers insight from renowned experts on how to ensure processes are conducted safely, sustainably, and economically. For the title list of the collection ple
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Taylor and Francis Chemisty and Chemical Engineering eBook section
Over 2000 eBooks from Taylor & Francis / CRC Press give academics, researchers, students and professionals valuable insights and tools across the broad sphere of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Its superb team of internationally renowned authors provide up-to-date research and techniques in nearly all aspects of the subjects in the form of informative handbooks, research monographs, analytical overviews and advanced textbooks. Key fields include Natural Product Chemistry, Separation Methods, Surfactant Science, Sustainable Chemistry, New Materials, Nanomaterials, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Process Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and more. For a complete listi
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Taylor and Francis CHEMnetBASE
CHEMnetBASE Videos and Tutorials CHEMnetBASE LT CHEMnetBASE PL CHEMnetBASE RU CHEMnetBASE is an electronic series of 10 major reference works for chemistry and related sciences from Taylor & Francis /CRC Press. Included in CHEMnetBASE are the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Dictionary of Natural Products, Dictionary of Organic Compounds, Dictionary of Drugs, Dictionary of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Dictionary of Commonly Cited Compounds, Dictionary of Marine Natural Products, Dictionary of Food Compounds, Polymers: A Property Databa
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Taylor and Francis ElectricalengineeringnetBASE
Taylor & Francis/CRC Press is a major publisher in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, publishing hundreds of focused reference works, research monographs, handbooks, and educational texts annually. The cutting-edge collection- ElectricalengineeringnetBASE - consists of over 2400 titles covering a broad range of topics including power electronics, control systems, signal processing, telecommunications and more. This eBook collection provides the fundamental principles and advanced techniques required to design everything from the most complex power systems to the smallest electronics. To view the eBooks available in ElectricalengineeringnetBASE please c
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Taylor and Francis English Historical Documents
English Historical Documents English Historical Documents Online is available for institutional purchase on a perpetual access basis. English Historical Documents is the most comprehensive, annotated collection of documents on British (not just English) history ever compiled. The content is based on the print series, covering the years 500 to 1914 and including around 5,500 primary sources, all selected by leading historians. It has over the years become an indispensable resource for generations of students, researchers and lecturers. EHD is now available in its entirety online. To provide you with first-rate, intelligent searchability, Routledge have teamed
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Taylor and Francis Europa World Plus
Europa World Plus Europa World Plus is the online version of the Europa World Year Book and the nine-volume Regional Surveys of the World series. The Europa World Year Book is renowned as one of the world's leading reference works, covering political and economic information in more than 250 countries and territories, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. The Europa Regional Surveys of the World offer in-depth, expert analysis at regional, sub-regional and country level. Europa World Plus is the online version of the renowned The Europa World Year Book and the nine Europa Regional Surveys of the World. All 10 product components are available in Europa World on
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Taylor and Francis History of Economic Thought
Routledge History of Economic Thought History of Economic Thought is a new online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. The resource covers the fascinating subject of the history of economic thought over the period 1700–1914. It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on key themes. Key Features: Focuses on the exciting period of 1700-1914 Primary source collections The Primary Source Collections mainly consist of s
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Taylor and Francis History of Feminism
Routledge History of Feminism Academic Editor Ann Heilmann is Professor of English Literature at Cardiff University, UK History of Feminism is a new online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. This resource will provide both academics and students with an in-depth research tool for studying the subject of feminism over the long nineteenth century (1776–1928). It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on its structural themes: Politics
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Taylor and Francis Law eBook section
Law eBook section Taylor and Francis is one of the largest publishers of legal literature in English with over 7000 titles in print, 6200 of which are available as DRM-free eBooks. Most of these books are published under the imprint Routledge. The thousands of titles, written by experts from throughout the world, include monographs and reference works with the largest number of titles covering International Law, Human Rights Law, Socio-legal Studies, Business and Company Law, Environmental Law, EU Law, Asian Law, English Law and US Law. In addition, there is prolific output in the areas of Criminology and Criminal Law. For a complete
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Taylor and Francis NANOnetBASE eBooks Collection
NANOnetBASE eBooks Collection Taylor & Francis/CRC Press publishes some of the most important monographs and handbooks in the broad field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The over 700 titles cover diverse topics which relate to the subject in the fields of chemistry, biology, biotechnology, medicine, materials science and many areas of engineering.
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Taylor and Francis Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism
Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism The Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism launched on May 9th 2016 and is the largest and most comprehensive resource available for all those involved in the study of modernism. An accessible and intuitive online platform, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism brings together a wealth of interdisciplinary content about the Modernist period, and is the ideal starting point for any research in modernism. With over 2,000 articles from experts in the field, supported by over 130 images, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism is a vital tool for students and researchers. The content is fully cross-referenc
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Taylor and Francis Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP Online) is the largest and most comprehensive resource available for all those involved in the study of philosophy. It is a trusted source of quality information, providing access to over 2,800 articles that have been edited for level and consistency by a team of renowned subject experts. Regularly updated with new and revised articles it is the ideal entry point for further discovery and research, clearly organised and with over 25,000 cross-references linking themes, concepts and philosophers. It is also an ideal reference source for those in s
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Taylor and Francis Routledge Performance Archive
Routledge Performance Archive General Editor Royd Climenhaga The Routledge Performance Archive provides exclusive access to an unprecedented and continually expanding range of streamed video and audio footage (over 90 hours ) from performance practitioners past and present paired with relevant critical commentary delivered directly to the classroom, rehearsal hall, library and desktop or digital device. The archive contains: interviews with key figures in performance history and contemporary practice; masterclasses with specialist performance trainers from around the world; footage direct from legendary practitioners; excerpted and full-length contemporary productions a
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Taylor and Francis Sustainable Development Goals Online
Sustainable Development Goals Online A curated library to support the United Nations’ call to action to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect the planet. Sustainable Development Goals Online (SDGO) is an interdisciplinary collection of digital content, including Taylor & Francis’ books and journals across all disciplines, themed around the SDGs. SDGO includes more than 16,000 carefully selected articles and chapters in an online library covering the 17 SDGs. Included is content which relates to climate change, oceans, health, gender equality, work, health, education and more. It also includes insights
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Taylor and Francis The Europa World of Learning
The Europa World of Learning The Europa World of Learning is the premier source of information on the academic sphere worldwide, offering an unprecedented level of access to global institutions of higher education and learning, and to the people who work within them. It provides a full range of sophisticated search and browse functions and regular updates of content. The latest update contains full directory details for 36,000 entries including over 14,000 universities and colleges, 4,000 libraries and archives, 5,000 learned societies, 6,500 research institutes, and 4,900 museums and art galleries. There is coverage for more than 225 countries and territories throughout the wor
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Taylor and Francis World Who is Who
World Who's Who World Who’s Who is a large database which brings together current and hard-to-find biographical information on 70,000 of the most gifted, famous and influential men and women in all fields. Using a full range of sophisticated search and browse functions in World Who’s Who, researchers can quickly find the current career contact and other biographical details that they need on their most eminent contemporaries. Archived information for those entrants who have died since 2000 is also to be found. Heads of state, key ministers, politicians, diplomats and religious leaders, the famous and successful in business, finance, technology, film, music,
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