Publishers' Representative Central/Eastern Europe


Brill Fink

<p>Brill Fink</p>

Brill Fink

Brill | Fink, the “creative pool of the humanities” (Süddeutsche Zeitung), publishes academic books and journals on topics in literary and cultural studies, art and media studies, as well as philosophy, music and architecture.

Brill | Fink was established in Munich in 1962 by Wilhelm Fink, a former editor at the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (DVA). In the first two years, the publishing house still operated as Eidos Verlag, with a characteristic stylised eye as its signet, and later continued as Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

Initially, the publishing house specialised mainly in literary science and philosophical literature. Over time, the publishing program was steadily expanded to include image and media studies, cultural history and architecture. From 1971, Brill | Fink became a shareholder in utb (Uni-Taschenbücher), which was established in Stuttgart in 1970. This established contact between the publishers Wilhelm Fink and Ferdinand Schöningh. The Paderborn-based Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag took over Brill | Fink in 1974, and in 2002 the publishing house's head office was moved from Munich to Paderborn. Fink and Schöningh joined Brill Deutschland GmbH together in 2017.

Significant focal points of the program are general literary studies, comparative and Romance studies, theatre and music studies as well as poetology and cultural history. In media studies, film, TV and photography are the classic research areas of our authors, but Fink also publishes works in the areas of media anthropology and media history as well as art and image studies. Since the establishment of the publishing house in 1962, philosophy has been an important pillar of the program at Brill | Fink, especially in the areas of phenomenology, German idealism and humanism.

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